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«Поле боя» - Военная история в играх и миниатюрах: Наши форумы

"Поле боя" - военная история в играх и миниатюрах ~ Просмотр темы - Комитатус-2009
Автор Сообщение
<  Античность и средневековье  ~  Комитатус-2009
von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 23-01-2009 12:49:23  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
Сообщения: 2389
Откуда: Москва, Россия

Кстати, на сайте Оспрей есть интересная информация об авторе

примерно так:

САЙМОН МАКДАУЭЛЛ - бывший офицер, глубоко интересующийся военной историей, особенно периода упадка Римской Империи на Западе. После 22 лет службы в канадской армии он несколько лет работал в Международном Штабе НАТО и сейчас является Старшим Государственным Служащим Британского Правительстве. Сочетание практического военного опыта с его знанием и пониманием истории Позднего Рима дает ему уникальное видение военных аспектов захватывающей эпохи. После проживания в Канаде, Германии и Бельгии, и службы в качестве наблюдателя в Центральной Америке, Боснии и Косове, Саймон теперь живет в Лондоне.
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СообщениеДобавлено: 23-01-2009 13:17:15  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Jan 04, 2005
Сообщения: 9017
Откуда: Киев, Украина

von Lossew писал(а):
Во! Верно и лаконично.

Потому я и предпочитаю фирмовые правила с поддержкой.
Пусть они и хуже любительских.

Бородатая похухоль желает Вам приятного пути!

Только сыр спасет мир! (с LadyJane)
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von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 26-01-2009 13:43:36  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
Сообщения: 2389
Откуда: Москва, Россия

Перевод задерживается. Много времени уходит на поиск ошибок и общение с автором.

Для желающих могу пока предложить английский тестовый вариант

Правила http://www.mediafire.com/?nnomyjgwmfo
Памятка http://www.mediafire.com/?xndy3ytldyz

Также автор выложил апдейт, сожержащий как исправление ошибок, так и введение новых правил.

Many thanks to those of you who have spotted some of my errors and
particularly to Alexander Losev who has done more than most to pick up
on my sloppy editing! I hope that those of you who are not using
Comitatus have not been bored by this surely someone out their has some
thoughts or views on our favourite subject to start off a new string or

In the meantime I thought it worthwhile to post amendments I am
considering for Comitatus 2009 and as always woould welcome comments and


Chapter 1 References inserted for 10mm and 40mm figures:

Figures. Commercial figures are readily available in metal or plastic in
many different scales. These are primarily: 40mm; 25mm; 20mm; 15mm; 10mm
and 6mm with the scale supposedly the height of an average figure. In
practise, the figures from various manufacturers vary considerably in
size and proportions, with most figures being 2-3mm larger than their
nominal scale. Figures are normally supplied unpainted but it is
possible to buy painted figures. Although several individuals and
companies offer painting services, raising and painting an army is one
of the great attractions of this hobby and it gives the player a
personal connection with the troops he uses.

1.8 Players using 20mm figures may opt to use either 15mm or 25mm scale
for basing and ranges, reducing or increasing the number of figures per
base to fit. For 6mm figures players could alternatively use 15mm scale
but increase the number of figures per base. The same is true for 10mm.
It is possible to play Comitatus with larger scale individually based
figures (up to 54mm) where a singly based figure is a considered to be a
Stand. Such games, could be suitable for frontier skirmishes and raids.

1.9 The actual number of figures are for visual purposes only. They
provide a ready reference as to troop types but do not have any actual
effect on the game. In order to give the right visual appearance and to
conform to most other commonly used rule sets, the following
arrangements are recommended (for 15mm and 25mm, adjusting to fit for
other scales):

Light Infantry: 4-6 figures spaced out irregularly on the base;

Heavy Infantry: 8-9 figures at least 2 ranks deep. Shock Infantry
should be mounted in an irregular formation, others should be in more
formal ranks and files.

Under strength Infantry (and dismounted cavalry) 4-6 figures primarily
in a single rank. Base depth could be halved.

Light Cavalry: 2 figures spaced out irregularly.

Heavy Cavalry: 3-4 figures

Elephants: 1 model & 2-3 (optional) skirmishers

Artillery: 1 model + crewmen

10 and 6mm figures: Depending on the manufacturer, infantry bases could
have double or more the number indicated above with Heavy Infantry
being in 3 or even 4 ranks.

1.10 The number of figures per base can be adjusted to fit the size and pose of the figures. Base depths can also be increased to 40mm for 15mm scale, or 60mm for 25mm scale to allow for more active poses and more variation in the arrangement of irregular troops on the bases. The deeper, square bases will be necessary for elephants and they are recommended for shock cavalry and shock infantry both for visual effect and to differentiate them from other troops at a glance. Square bases also make formation changes more simple to conduct.

1.2 To read:

Comitatus classifies all troops according to their behaviour on the
battlefield. There are 5 major categories of troops:

Light Infantry (LI)

Heavy Infantry (HI)

Light Cavalry (LC)

Heavy Cavalry (HC)

Special Troops.

1.9 Delete the repeated line:

Understrength Infantry: Half the number of figures, possibly in a single

1.23 Insert points value for understrength

Understrength Units Ѕ basic points rounded up

2.2 Change point 8 in the sequence of play to read:

8. Morale Phase. Remove Disorder Points (DPs) from eligible units (see

4.3 Give A Grade the possibility to remove DPs even if in combat (ie:
not pushed back, following up etc) This is to reflect the ability of
sub-unit commanders to redress ranks and order up reserves. I still need
to test this out more before deciding if I want to incorporate it. New
paragraph to read:

4.3 DPs can be removed in the Morale Phase as the unit tries to
re-order itself. The ability to do this is determined by the unit's
efficiency grade:

Пока не включаю A Grade 1 per turn if stationary

B Grade: 1 per turn if stationary and not in combat

C Grade: 1 per turn if stationary, not in combat and not shot at this

For A Grade to count as stationary in combat they must not be following
up or falling back.

Chapter 3. New Command option; revision to Inspire Troops removing
references to the old Evade Test; and amendment to the control radius,
making it tighter but allowing Generals and Contingent Commanders to
extend it by expending additional command points.

3.8 Leaders can only exercise control over troops within their command
radius. Which is normally one javelin throw. However, Generals and
Contingent Commanders may extend their command radius by expending
command points as explained bellow at 3.10.

3.10 A leader's Command Points will determine the number of actions
he may make each turn. Leaders may use up to their total number of CPs
each turn to complete any combination of the following actions.

Control Units under his command and within command radius (costs 1CP).
This allows all those units to move and act as the player wishes. If a
leader does not allocate CPs to do this, or if units are outside his
command radius, those units must take a Control Test (see 3.12) to
determine their actions. Generals and Contingent Commanders (but not
subordinate commanders) may extend their command radius by expending
additional CPs. In armies with complex command structures and advanced
bureaucracies (such as the Romans, Byzantines, Persians, and later
Arabs) the command radius can be extended by 1 Javelin Throw for each
additional CP; 1 Javelin Throw for every additional 2 CPs for other

Rally Shaken (costs 4 CPs). Personally intervene to rally a shaken
unit within 1 Javelin Throw. This takes place during the Command Phase
and the unit's shaken marker is immediately replaced with 3 DPs. This
may take place within bow range of enemy and even if in combat. If the
shaken unit being rallied is within 1 Javelin Throw of any enemy the
leader must test to see if he is hit (see 3.20)

Inspire Troops. (Costs 3 CPs). During the Charge Phase increase the
combat score of a unit which is being charged or which is charging by
the same value as his CPs. The leader can only help one unit in these
circumstances, his Comitatus must be in base-to-base contact with that
unit and counts as he counts as being in the front rank and entering
into combat with the unit. If a leader assigned 3 CPs to Inspire, any
of his units within one javelin throw may add 1 to the result of any
Control Test they may be required to take (see 3.14). He must test to
see if he is hit (see 3.20) whether or not the unit he is inspiring
takes any DPs.

3.20 Any time the unit of which the leader is part, takes a DP from
shooting or combat; or a casualty in any circumstances; the leader must
test to see if he is also hit. He only needs to test once for shooting
and once for combat regardless of the number of DPs inflicted on the
unit. Any Leader who inspires in a charge must also test, whether his
unit takes any DPs of not. The same applies if he rallies a shaken unit
within 1 Javelin Throw of enemy.

Rallying Shaken Units

4.8 A shaken unit must rally in order to reform. This normally
requires the unit to remain halted for one complete turn, beyond bow
range of any non-broken enemy. While rallying, the unit may adopt any
normally allowed formation, facing in whichever direction the player
chooses. In the Morale Phase after which these conditions have been
fulfilled, the shaken marker is removed and replaced with 3 DPs. From
the beginning of the next turn the unit may act normally. If enemy move
to within bow range of the shaken unit while it is attempting to rally,
the shaken unit will have to withdraw the following turn beyond bow
range and try again. Shaken units may additionally be rallied in the
command phase by the personal intervention of a leader who has expended
4 CPs to 'Rally Shaken'.

Redefinition of Rout. This is now taken to be a state beyond recovery
where the routing unit throws away all weapons and never comes back into
the game. Eventually they will either disperse (by losing 1 stand each
turn) of go off table.

5.32 Moving off-table. Once on the table, units may not normally move
off voluntarily. It may happen, however, that a unit is forced off when
evading, retiring, routing or pursuing. In order to return, a unit must
first pass a control test getting a result of `act as player
wishes' (see 3.14). If a retiring unit was followed off table by
pursuers it may not return until after the pursuers have returned. In
such a case the pursuing player may choose to remain off table with his
unit in order to prevent his opponent from returning. In order to return
to the table the units must roll a die (AvD for A Grade, D6 for others)
they may return on a roll of 4 or 5 on the first attempt. 4-6 on
subsequent attempts.

5.33 Rout and Pursuit Moves. Broken Units must continue to make a fast
move until destroyed or off-table. Subsequent rout moves (after the
initial after combat move (see 7.16)) are made during opponents move
phase as long as the opponent is still pursuing in order to keep routers
and pursuers moving together. A routing unit loosed one casualty for
each such subsequent rout move. Pursuers must pass a control test in
order to cease pursuit.


Break. Break into Rout. Make a full fast move, unformed and shaken,
until either destroyed or off table. Units unable to make a rout move
due to impassable terrain or troops, remain in place and receive 1
casualty. A routing unit takes one casualty for each turn of rout after
the first. (See 5.33 for more on Rout and Pursuit moves)

3.14 Control Test (removing mention of routers rallying)


+1 if in pursuit or looting

+1 optional if a leader within 1 javelin throw is inspiring troops (see

-1 optional if a leader within 1 javelin throw is steadying troops (see

3.15 Units with a Halt reaction may shoot and may adjust their facing
or formation to face a threat, they may not make other moves, nor may
they initiate a charge. They may, however, counter-charge if charged and
normally allowed to. There are no restrictions on possible after-combat
moves. Troops who are in pursuit, looting or rampaging will cease doing
those things if they get a `halt' or `act as player
wishes' result.

5.2 bottom paragraph to read (taking out reference to Shaken):

Troops who are making a fast move (see 5.9) in order to evade, rout or
pursue are also unformed for as long as they are in that state. Other
units or units in other circumstances must always maintain unit
formation and may not voluntarily become unformed.

Clarification of Interpenetration rules to read:

5.28 Interpenetration. No penalty if both units are parallel, one unit
is stationary, and one is unformed (but not routing) and not more than
one stand deep. Otherwise causes 1DP to be incurred by each formed unit
involved. This is in addition to the maximum of 2 DPs for manoeuvre.
Formed troops interpenetrated by elephants always take 2 DPs (no penalty
for the elephant).

Clarification of Heavy Infantry Shooting prior to Combat:

7.14 Units that did not shoot during the Short Range Missile Exchange,
and who do not break or counter-charge as a charge response, may shoot
at enemy who are charging them in the Charge Phase if they stand to
receive. Heavy Infantry may also shoot in the same circumstances if
charging or countercharging themselves. (See 7.3 for restrictions on
shooting and charging, however). Charge phase shooting takes effect
before actual closing to combat. Units which become shaken or rampage as
a result must either halt or transform their charge accordingly.

7.15 change the Defeat result to include Shaken:

-5/-6 Defeat. Elephants, Unformed and Shaken Troops Break; others
become shaken and retire

Clarification of the free hack not technically melee:

as 7.18 Troops in contact with each other from previous turns, except
pursuers in contact with routing or retiring troops (see 7.23) are
considered to be in mкlйe. This is close combat with opposing
troops fighting hand to hand and becoming intermingled as they push into
each other's ranks. This kind of hard fighting emphasises individual
man to man combat rather than the clash of battle lines.

New rule on Artillery and Wagons in Combat add the following bullet
under Pursuit in 7.16 and delete all the cumbersome references to
Artillery and Wagons in the Charge Result Table:

Artillery and Wagons. If not part of a Command Formation, Artillery
and Wagons are automatically captured by any enemy who come into
contact with them, it being assumed that the crews have fled for
safety. If fighting in a command formation they will be captured if all
the other fighting units of the command fall back, retire or a routed.
Captured wagons may be used by the enemy if they remove one stand from
the capturing unit to crew them. The same is true for Artillery but
only if the capturing unit is A or B Grade Roman, Byzantine or Persian

7.20 New melee modifiers changing the +1 for supported to a +1 for
deeper formation defined as follows:

Deeper Formation. Count all ranks of the same type (eg infantry or
cavalry) directly behind, in base to base contact, and facing the enemy.
This can include light troops and under strength units. Light Infantry
can also give depth to cavalry but cavalry may not give depth to
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von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 30-01-2009 09:36:19  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
Сообщения: 2389
Откуда: Москва, Россия

В общем, сделал я перевод тестовых правил Комитатус-2009. Внес в текст исправления в те места, где были опечатки и т.п. косяки. Также внес в текст правил поправки, которые автор выложил на тамошнем форуме (см англ. текст выше). На основе моей дискуссии с автором я сделал по тексту некоторые примечения переводчика.

В общем, теперь, как мне кажется, основные непонятки устранены, у можно попробовать поиграть.
Тестовый перевод тестовых правил лежит тут

Поскольку все еще может поменяться, я сильно не вычитывал, так что могут быть некоторые мои опечатки. Если будут вопросы - пишите - теперь я смогу либо объяснить все сам, либо связаться с автором и спросить у него.

Игра теперь должны быть намного быстрее - на марше движение не по броску кубика, а на определенные расстояния.Уклоняющиеся теперь просто уклоняются, получив DP и без специального теста. Разгромленные войска и слон не могут быть остановлены. Тяжелая пехота метает дротики непосредственно перед вступлением в бой, т.е. не будет долгих перестрелок перед боем.
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von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 02-08-2010 09:52:56  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
Сообщения: 2389
Откуда: Москва, Россия

Коллеги, а у кого-нибудь есть этот файл? Комитатус-2009 на русском?

Я себе винчестер форматировал, на флэшку не скачал. А по указанной выше ссылке сообщение "Invalid or Deleted File".

Спасите, а то культурное наследие пропадает!
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СообщениеДобавлено: 02-08-2010 10:09:35  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Jan 04, 2005
Сообщения: 27091
Откуда: Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Саш, у меня был файл Комитатуса на русском.
Только я не знаю что значит 2009.

Я высказывался про любые правила критически. Видеть в этом продвижение собственных правил может только мудак. Чебур
Третий раз повторяю. Никаких книг я не читал. Baraka
Сам себя я бы классифицировал как "теоретик исторического варгейма". Foger
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von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 02-08-2010 10:13:27  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
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Откуда: Москва, Россия

Новая редакция от 2009 года. В этой ветке обсуждавшаяся.
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von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 03-08-2010 05:28:03  Ответить с цитатой

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Откуда: Москва, Россия

Хаос Лорд спас культурное наследие.

На всякий случай, я перезалил на медиафайер:
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Chaos Lord
СообщениеДобавлено: 04-08-2010 07:52:09  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Nov 28, 2007
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Откуда: Москва, Россия

Cлужу Галактике!

Есть еще один товарищ, James Roach. Его разработка Пикета, Ager Sanguinis максимально приближается к Комитатусу (маркеры усталости-истощения, ударные отряды, имеющие свои схемы базирования миниатюр). Я ему задал ряд вопросов - особенно по животрепещущему для меня принципу базирования отрядов - "затрельщики-пехота-ударная пехота-кавалерия."
Жду ответа.

Его блог вот тута:


Один из самых масштабных и продуманных проектов на сегодня.

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Chaos Lord
СообщениеДобавлено: 05-08-2010 07:48:53  Ответить с цитатой

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Откуда: Москва, Россия

Джеймс ответил, лаконично:


Thank you for your kind words.

The cavalry are 60 frontage by 90 depth.
The infantry are 60 frontage by 60 depth.

The narrow bases are 40mm frontage by 90 depth. They are 'command' bases.

This is not the classic Piquet basing system. These are less deep, but I collect both sides of conflicts so it makes no difference.


Эти командные базы - аналог Комитатов. Даже на Вармастер похоже - но только свободно перемещаться (от отряда к отряду) может только Главный.
Очень интересная система - напомню, что в Комитатусе пехотные базы тоже как бы сдвоенные ДБА (там по 6-8 миниатюр)

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27-08-2010 18:57:47  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Jul 02, 2010
Сообщения: 43
Откуда: Ленинград

готов ли перевод комитатус 2009?
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von Lossew
СообщениеДобавлено: 28-08-2010 09:36:38  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
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Откуда: Москва, Россия

Работа ведется. По сравнению с тествой версией в окончательную внесены изменения.
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СообщениеДобавлено: 28-08-2010 10:49:46  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Jul 02, 2010
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Откуда: Ленинград

Т.е. те что на сайте выложены они уже не актуальны?
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СообщениеДобавлено: 28-08-2010 17:07:16  Ответить с цитатой

Зарегистрирован: Dec 28, 2004
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Откуда: Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Т.е. те что на сайте выложены они уже не актуальны?

ИгореЧеГ какая радостная, но увы недолгая встреча.... IP забыл сменить? ... бывает...
За переводом придешь в другой раз Laughing Very Happy Very Happy
Ты у нас еще и как Viking проходишь правда? Laughing Laughing Laughing

Мой блог http://ravenslab.blogspot.ru/
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Если бы те, кто критикует меня увидели как я иду по волнам, они сказали бы: - это от того, что плавать не умеет. (с)
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